You have 30 days from the date of delivery to return your item(s). Please ensure the item is still in its original condition, unopened and is returned to us securely.

We offer a full refund and exchange on packaged item only. Please note that we are only able to assist with refund or replacement if the product is damaged. Refund request will only be granted if they are accompanied by a video or picture as proof of damage at the time of delivery.

To arrange a return, refund, or replacement:

WhatsApp our Customer Care Team at +447742544084 or email at


Please include the following information:


Email Address

Order Number

Reason for return


Please send your items to the below address:

UK Address:     

7 Fish street






We process returns, exchanges, and replacements as soon as we receive them. When returning an item to us, we strongly suggest you to secure a shipping receipt.

We are happy to refund the shipping cost, however it may not exceed £5. Refunds will be processed within 7-10 business days to the original payment method.